
  • 南華大學人間佛教研究及推廣中心(以下簡稱本中心)成立於2020年8月,是一個以人間佛教為核心,以人文關懷為基礎,以社會參與為目標的學術機構。為配合學校發展國際性與具特色的佛學領域,及聯結佛光山人間佛教研究、佛光系統五校之佛學中心等,成立專責的佛教研究與推廣單位,特別成立人間佛教研究及推廣中心(以下簡稱本中心),以整合校內各學院佛學師資,拓展國內外學術交流合作,兼重佛教之傳統與現代、理論與應用的研發方向,使本校具全國性的領先地位及提升在國際學界的能見度,推動與佛學相關之語言、文獻、歷史文化及思想義理等領域的整合學術研究
  • The Humanistic Buddhism Research and Promotion Center of Nanhua University (hereinafter referred to as the Center) was established in August 2020. It is an academic institution with Humanistic Buddhism as the core, humanistic care as the foundation, and social participation as the goal.
  • In order to cooperate with the school to develop an international and distinctive Buddhist field, and to connect Fo Guang Shan humanistic Buddhism research and the Buddhist centers of the five schools of Fo Guang System, a dedicated Buddhist research and promotion unit was established, especially the Humanistic Buddhism Research and Promotion Center (hereinafter referred to as The center) aims to integrate Buddhist teachers in various colleges in the school, expand academic exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad, and pay attention to the research and development direction of the tradition and modernity, theory and application of Buddhism, so that the school has a leading position in the country and enhances the visibility in the international academic circle. Integrated academic research in the fields of language, literature, history, culture, and ideology related to Buddhism.


釋覺明 副教授 2018.8.1-2024.5.7
李芝瑩  副教授 2024.5.8-至今