南華大學人間佛教研究中心「星雲大師三好講座」自5月15日創辦,首以三大系列講座「生死自在與三好系到」、「佛法在人間系列」、「永續發展與生命教育系列」為始。5/17日為第一場,佛光山教團系統大學林聰明副總校長受邀至輔仁大學附設醫院演講「由南華大學綠色校園推動 談ESG之建構」。輔仁大學藍易振校長親自頒贈《生態皈依:《願祢受讚頌》通諭的省思與實踐》一書與林校長結緣,期間因其他會議安排而稍早離開。輔仁大學附設醫院院長黃瑞仁與副院長則全程參與。林副總校長以南華大學綠色校園的推動為例,在其任內戮力提升永續教育資源,通識中心每年開設51門以上環境教育特色課程,並成立永續綠色科技碩士學位學程,以培養國際級綠領人才。此外,也結合彰雲嘉大專院校,推動簽署「環境永續心靈環保大學宣言」,並鼓勵學生至各級學校及海外進行環保宣導及志工服務,因為地球暖化人人有責,希望落實並推廣「做好事、說好話、存好心」三好精神。

The "Master Hsing Yun's Three Acts of Goodness Lecture Series" organized by the Center for Study of Humanistic Buddhism Nanhua University was inaugurated on May 15th. Starting with three major series of lectures: "Freedom of Life and Death and the Three Acts of Goodness System," "Buddhism in the Human World Series," and "Sustainable Development and Life Education Series." The first lecture, held on May 17th, featureDr. Tsong-Ming Lin, Vice President of Fo Guang University System, who was invited to give a talk at Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital on "Promoting ESG through the Green Campus Initiative at Nanhua University." During the event, Fu Jen Catholic University President Yi-Zhen Lan personally presented Dr. Lin with the book "Ecological Conversion: Reflections and Practices on the Encyclical Laudato Si'.Due to other meeting arrangements, President Lan left the lecture early. Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital's President Rui-Ren Huang and Vice President attended the entire event.

Dr. Lin took the University of Nanhua’s promotion of green campus as an example and worked hard to enhance sustainable education resources during his tenure of officeThe General Education Center offers more than 51 courses annually on environmental education and established a master program of Sustainable Green Technology. The prograhas been established to cultivate international green leadership talents. Furthermore, the university collaborates with other institutions in Changhua, Yunlin, and Chiayi regions to promote the signing of the "Environmental Sustainability and Spiritual Environmental Protection University Declaration." Students are encouraged to engage in environmental advocacy and volunteer services at various schools and overseas, emphasizing that everyone is responsible for combating global warming. The goal is to implement and promote the spirit of "Doing Good Deeds, Speaking Good Words, and Thinking Good Thoughts."

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